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Competitor Analysis
Lorem ipsum dolor amet, cons lorem ectetur adipiscing elit. we founded September with the goal.
Link Building
Lorem ipsum dolor amet, cons lorem ectetur adipiscing elit. we founded September with the goal.
Keyword Research
Lorem ipsum dolor amet, cons lorem ectetur adipiscing elit. we founded September with the goal.
On-Page Strategies
Lorem ipsum dolor amet, cons lorem ectetur adipiscing elit. we founded September with the goal.
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Trained as industrial designers we have a deep-rooted belief in rational function and sustainable aesthetics. Our methodical approach is
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Carolyn Shelby to judge 7th Annual US Search Awards
I am delighted to announce that I will (once again — third time now) be judging this year’s US Search...
Content Marketing & SEO: Inextricably Linked
Content Marketing… what does it have to do with SEO? At PubCon Vegas 2014 (last week), I gave a talk...
Why Keeping That Old Domain is Important
Companies and individuals abandon domain names for a variety of reasons. For the record, there are not a whole lot...
Recap of Chicago SEO Meetup: Harnessing WordPress for SEO
First off, a big thanks to everyone who attended the Meetup… I had a great time presenting and enjoyed answering...
Chicago SEO Meetup: Harnessing the Power of WordPress
The September meeting of the Chicago Search Engine Optimization Meetup group is coming up, and the topic this month is...
Mod_rewrite doesn’t look at arguments? D’oh!
When I converted my old, kloodgy Web site into WordPress last year, one of the reasons I did so was...
SEO 101 Call-In Show Tonight
On the Monday, June 1st live broadcast of SEO 101, we will have four tickets to give away for the...
‘Look At Me’ Seminar – Market Saint Louis
I just confirmed that I’ll be speaking in the St. Louis, Missouri area on Thursday, June 11th at the Market...
Ecom Phenom: Social Media and eCommerce
Brian Mark and Robert Garcia, hosts of Ecom Phenom on BlogTalkRadio, had me on as a guest this past Sunday...
IM Spring Break: Sun, Fun and Internet Marketing
On the show, we regularly discuss the value of attending search conferences in terms of education and networking opportunities, and...
SEO 101: Mike Moran discusses Search Engine Marketing, Inc
Mike Moran, author of Do It Wrong Quickly and whom we have had the pleasure of interviewing previously, talks with...
SEO 101: Google Revelations
Brian, David and I discuss two Google Webmaster Central Blog posts and the impact of those announcements on how we...
SEO 101: Interview with MSN Live’s Jeremiah Andrick
MSN Live Webmaster Tools’ very own Jeremiah Andrick joined David and Brian on SEO 101. Jeremiah gave advice on how...
T-17 days from SES San Jose. Order your business cards NOW.
We’re less than 3 weeks out from SES San Jose, Aug. 18-22. If you’re running low on business cards, or...
How To Reorganize Management For Social Media, Search Marketing and Internet Advertising
Based on the title, you probably thought this was going to be a long and academic blog entry, but HA!...
Question for WordPress Gurus…
I’ve been spending all of my waking time lately getting a frankensteinishly complicated website all put into a single WordPress...
Anonymous Comments Might Not Be So Anonymous
Could also be titled, “Dear FEMA, Is this what our tax dollars pay for?” I was checking my email yesterday...
SEO 101: Link Building
Dave Conklin from ProspectMX joins Ne0 and me to discuss link building basics. Why did this guy get to be...
Spine-health launches new design, usability enhancements
DEERFIELD, Ill. — Spine-health, a leader in online back pain and spine surgery information, announces the launch of their newly...
Programmers vs. Management
Received from my mom today, via email. A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced...
SEO 101: Starting Your Own Social Network
Special guests Rhea Drysdale and Steve Bristol from join me, Brian and Ne0 on SEO 101 to discuss the...
Friends on Facebook equals guilt by association?
Okay, this is a really coarse summary of this article because I’m not terribly familiar with the scandal in question…...
SEO 101: Valuing SEO-Conscious Web Design
SEO 101 listener Paul Mycroft asked (via the SEO 101 forum on WebProWorld) what SEO services we think a web...
Firefox Plugins I Can’t Live Without (Updated)
I want to say it was close to a year ago I posted a list of Firefox Plugins I couldn’t...
Silicon Prairie Social 2 – No Recruiters or Job Seekers Allowed
Silicon Prairie Social 2, the TechCocktail of the burbs, is slated for Thursday, January 24th, 2008 at the same place...
You should actually read the Terms Of Service Agreement
Someone using the nick “light” popped into the WMR chatroom the other day and asked if he could sue a...
Really, I’m not dead or anything
I finally pulled myself away from a couple of the projects I was feverishly working on over xmas break and...
SEO 101: Competitive Intelligence
In this episode (#102 by our count) of SEO 101, Brian Mark, David Brown and I discuss competitive intelligence and...
My Most Popular Photos
Last Friday, Barry Schwartz posted his most popular photos from Flickr according to his Flickr Stats, and requested that other...
SEO 101: Obligatory 100th Episode Outtakes and Bloopers
Brian Mark put together a clip show featuring all of our screw-ups, funny stories and miscellaneous other stuff from the...
Poor Man Toffee
What does this have to do with SEO? Well… nothing… but it is SUPER tasty and super easy to make,...
SEO 101: What You Should Expect From Your SEO
I’m absent from this episode of SEO 101 because I think I was stuck in Omaha working, so it’s just...
SEO 101: Common Newbie Mistakes
I forget where Neo (David Brown) was for this episode, I think he was still stuck helping his friend get...
SEO 101: How to Treat Your Clients
David (NeO) is absent for this episode, so it’s just Brian Mark and me discussing a topic near and dear...
Cshel’s SES Chicago and PubCon plans
I had originally planned on being in Vegas from December 2 (Sunday) through December 8 (the following Saturday); however, my...
SEO 101: Domains – Picking them, getting them, keeping them
Ouch. Brian’s office had a cable cut or something, we’d occasionally lose Neo, and for once I was the one...
SEO 101: Why search conferences are worth the time and money
If you’re someone who is responsible for marketing a business website, but doesn’t actually work for an agency, or works...
Have You Ordered Your Holiday Cards?
Even if you’re not a greeting card type of person (or you usually count on your spousal unit to handle...
So Not Rockstars
This is how SEO 101 rolls… Chuck E Cheese. 7:00pm. Two pizzas, cupcakes and $50 in tokens. Oh yeah.
PageRank Update, TechCocktail 6, Omaha
I apologize (yet again) for my extended absence from blogging. I’ve been in Omaha for the past two weeks to...
Top 5 Ways Your Life Will End If You Lose Your Laptop
Originally appeared on Tometa Software and posted on October 2, 2007. Just adding it to the blog to archive in...
SEO 101 Needs Your Feedback
We’ve had some internal debates (friendly, of course!) about which topics would be of the most interest to the SEO...
SEO 101: Answering Listener Questions
Because it’s been awhile since we spent an episode answering listener questions posted on the SEO 101 website, we (David...
Holy Mackerel! You call that SEO?
I’m not even entirely sure what to say here. I mean, can you honestly say your business provides search engine...
Silicon Prairie Social Re-Cap
The Silicon Prairie Social was puh-ACK-ed…. bursting at the seams packed. Turns out there’s a lot of technology geeks in...
Going to the Silicon Prairie Social? I am.
I’m planning to be at the inaugural Silicon Prairie Social this Thursday (tomorrow, September 20th) at Mullen’s Bar and Grill...
Double Check Your Web Developer’s/SEO’s Work
I’m going to pick on a business here… not because I hate them (because I don’t) but just because I...
8 Random Things About Me
I was tagged by David Dalka to write 8 Random Things About Me from Paul Ruppert’s original meme. I’m fairly...
SEO 101 from SES San Jose
Brian Mark, Dave “NeO” Brown and I podcasted SEO 101 live from the Webmaster Radio booth on the exhibit floor...
SES San Jose Day 1 Recap
There are seriously a metric TON of people here for the show. After SMX Advanced in Seattle (what like 500...
San Francisco SEO Meet-Up Recap
My roomie for SES San Jose, Rhea Drysdale, my friend (who is a SysAdmin for ATI and not an SEO,...
Work, Conference and Podcast Schedule
First off, I’d like to apologize for not keeping up with the blogging lately. I’m hip deep in rebuilding a...
SEO 101: How Offline Marketing Affects Your Online Efforts
Today (Thursday, July 26th, 2007) on SEO 101, we (Dave “Neo” Brown, Brian Mark and yours truly) talked about a...
Omaha Airport Security Annoys Me
Okay, so I’m sitting in the Omaha airport’s little cafe area near the gates, eating a Krispy Kreme and trying...
Omaha, SEO 101, and other misc stuff
Alrighty, friends and neighbors. Here’s what’s going on with me as of 1:25p, Thursday, July 19. I’m in Omaha meeting...
Where’s Cshel?
I’m sorry I’ve been so absent from the blog lately. Work-work has been a little crazy, I’ve been working on...
SES Latino Wrap-Up on Beginning SEO Podcast
On the Beginning SEO Podcast, Dave Brown, Brian Mark and I talk with Robert Garcia (Rumblepup) about topics and concepts...
SMX Wrap-Up on Beginning SEO Podcast
While it’s a little late, the Beginning SEO Podcast did not want to be left out of the spate of...
Search Friendly Site Architecture on Beginning SEO Podcast
Brian Mark, Dave Brown and I discuss best practices for building the structure of your website. We cover making it...
SES Latino 2007 Wrap-Up
Sessions and General Overview… While I enjoy the huge conferences like SES NY, I have to admit that I really...
Miami: Getting there was not half the fun
I’ve been debating whether to do this in a chronological format or just give a summary. The chronology is actually...
Just back from SMX, now off to SES Latino
I swear I feel like I’m never at home anymore. I’m not even all caught up on the pile of...
Long overdue post: SMX wrap-up
I’ve sat down to write this post at least a dozen times, and I’ve either been too tired to write...
Nerdiness Check: Supreme Nerd
So apparently, I’m a Supreme Nerd… and yet, somehow I suspect there are people out there, at this very moment,...
Cshel’s SMX travel schedule
As I’m starting to do laundry and plan out my “what to pack” list (so I have everything I need,...
Cshel’s Google Search Activity by Trends
Barry Schwartz posted screen captures of his Google search activity today and tagged a few people to do the same,...
Using RSS to create dynamic content for SEO
The Beginning SEO Podcast with Brian Mark and David Brown (that was just posted today) talks about using RSS and...
Best SEO Podcast Poll: Go Vote!
Lee Odden at Top Rank Online Marketing is running a poll to determine the “unofficial” most popular search podcast. So...
Rush Hour Recap for Wednesday, May 23rd
Yesterday on Rush Hour, Cameron, Neil and I talked about Google’s confirmed acquisition of Feedburner, the Technorati redesign, a really...
Sharing Your SEO Knowledge is Good
There is a school of thought that the in-house SEO should be like the Wizard of Oz… feared and awed...
How well does the Google algo catch spamdexers?
First off, I’m not picking on Google. I’m not, okay? I’m just puzzled, and so I’m asking some questions. For...
In/Outbound Link Management for the In-House Crowd
I am pretty much the entire extent of the newly created web services department for an old (~80 years old)...
Recap of the May 9th Rush Hour
Yesterday on Rush Hour, Neil, Cameron and I discussed Neil’s new blog QuickSprout, MySpace’s acquisition of PhotoBucket, Ebay’s impending acquisition...
Mostly healthy again, yay!
Just wanted to let everyone know that I got out of the hospital late on Saturday. They switched me off...
Blogging from the hospital
I got home last night from work and noticed that my left ear felt all hot and a little tender....
Rush Hour Recap for Wednesday, May 2
I meant to post this yesterday, but alas, work-work gets in the way sometimes. So yesterday, Cameron and I (sans...
MySpace Tom mistaken for Internet Pervert
I was talking with a friend yesterday who was freaking out about his step-daughter’s new MySpace account. Apparently, the daughter...
WordPress theme fixed. Yay.
Fixing my old theme was pretty easy now that I’ve actually *done* it, and I’m glad I went back to...
WordPress Upgrade == Icky
I know the current theme isn’t terribly attractive, but it looks mostly functional and I don’t want to spend my...
Why Frames Are Evil
Dave Brown and Brian Mark of Beginning SEO Podcast have posted a new segment today explaining what frames are, the...
First official appearance on Rush Hour
Today was my first “official, official” appearance on Rush Hour (Wednesdays at 4 Eastern, 1 Pacific on I was...
Cshel on the Beginning SEO Podcast
Monday night, I recorded an “SES NY Wrap-Up” podcast with Brian Mark, Dave Brown and Robert Garcia for the Beginning...
Allusions of Grandeur
I saw Rand in the lounge at the Hilton yesterday at SES and it prompted me to start telling a...
SES NY: Day 4
First off, you’re probably wondering what happened to Days 1-3, right? Well, it’s been a busy week, so you’ll have...
Leaving for SES NY
I’m (finally) all packed (I think… though I’m sure I’ve forgotten something because I always do) and I’ll be leaving...
Cshel on Webmaster Radio’s Rush Hour
Yesterday afternoon, I chatted with Neil Patel and Cameron Olthius on their WMR show “Rush Hour” about how to leverage...
Does RSS equal implicit permission to reprint?
There’s a fun debate happening right this very second on chat where people are arguing over whether or not...
Changing the WHOIS Service isn’t necessary
The Generic Names Supporting Organization’s final Whois Task Force report (something like 2 years in the making) recommends that ICANN...
Firefox plugins I can’t live without
My new position has a thoroughly entertaining “new software” requisition process that I have to go through to get stuff...
Google is NOT a spell checker
My daughter’s “computer class” teacher instructed the children to type words into Google when they weren’t sure about the correct...
Not exactly twitterpated with Twitter
I started futzing with Twitter yesterday. It’s interesting, but it’s not causing me angst if I can’t get back to...
I rank #1 on Google for Lafayette IN Prostitution (Yay?)
My other site runs community news, so I receive press releases from businesses, city hall, civic groups, etc. on a...
Emergency Valentine’s Day Card Help
I realize this is late notice, and if it’s already too late for you, file this away for future reference...
WeirdAsiaNews finally gets a Page Rank
Congratulations to my friend, Brent Csutoras of, on his newly minted PR6 and subsequent schload of 5s and 4s....
Fair Use of Copyrighted Materials on Blogs
There was a comment made during the Disney/Spocko’s Brain fuss a few weeks ago that really bothered me. Neil Simpkins,...
We have a visitor
A visitor from ( was logged once, starting at 12:30:02 AM on Monday, January 8, 2007. The initial browser...
Press Release Magic
Witness the power of my pen keyboard. If you ever wondered how much exposure you can generate for your business...
Prefabricated Steel Buildings Save Green in More Ways Than One
Deerfield Beach, FL (PRWeb) January 5, 2007 — With construction season fast approaching, Metal Buildings R Us ( is starting...
SEOFox Offers Advice to Help Businesses Avoid Unethical Search Engine Optimization
** See Press Release Magic for an analysis of how this press release performed. ** Orlando, Fla.(PRWEB) Jan 5, 2007...
New Year’s Resolutions
1) Stop procrastinating. 2) Focus. 3) Lose weight. 4) Quit impulse buying domains. Number one is pretty obvious since it’s...
WIPO is Chewbacca
WIPO makes no sense. The vast majority of their decisions come down on the side of the complainant (generally also...
Selling Domains Via AdWords
There is an interesting thread over at right now where a bunch of guys have been having good luck...
Blog Tagged!
Brent Csutoras of blog-tagged me, so here goes my obligatory five things people might not know about me and then...
Google easing into domain business afterall
Remember when I said Google can’t see behind privacy protected domain registrations because they don’t actually manage any domains? Well…...
All the cool kids are on
I was checking out earlier today. It’s DaveN’s newly launched social networking site that is better looking than MySpace...
Holiday Pricing Helps Businesses Get a Jump on 2007 Construction Projects
Deerfield Beach, FL (PRWEB) December 13, 2006 — Although the holidays are not traditionally associated with new construction projects, it...
My kid writes arbitrage copy
Caydel was asking around for a copywriter in the Webmaster Radio Chatroom today. Not a quality copywriter, mind you, because he...
Back from SES Chicago
So I’m back-back from SES Chicago now. I say “back-back” as opposed to just “back” because I technically got “back”...
Proposed law requires sex offenders to disclose email addresses
Reuters ran a story today about how Senators Charles Schumer (NY-D) and John McCain (AZ-R) have proposed legislation intended to...
Google cannot see past private registrations
This whole “can Google see past/around private domain registrations” thing that came out of the Interactive SERP Site Review session...
Pretty brains?
I was having hard time designing the logo for a site I’m working on because the site is for neuroradiologists...
Update to the “Anything You Reg” Post
I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in Shoemoney’s “Net Income” show on Webmaster Radio on Tuesday, November 21 (listen...
Anything you register can and will be held against you…
During the big Interactive Site Review clinic at PubCon last week, Matt Cutts was was using some type of tool...
SEO Efforts Pay Off!
Several months ago, I checked Lafayette Online’s rank in Google and almost cried. I had dropped from #3 or #4...
How to Burn a Mailing List Fast
Everyone knows the best way to build a mailing list is to give interested parties the opportunity to sign themselves up...
T.R.A.F.F.I.C Auction Recap: Which domains sold for what
Here are the domains that sold in the live auction at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East on Friday, October 27, 2006. It’s sorted...
Content is King; Learn to Write
There is a reason “content is king” is a big ol’ cliche — it’s true. While you might be tempted...
No sale for; sells for $200k
I tuned in via WebmasterRadio.FM to the big domain auction that Moniker put on in Hollywood, Florida last Friday. While...
WHOIS database mentioned on NBC’s Heroes
In case you missed it last night, Hiro’s buddy tracked down his Internet Stripper “friend” and showed up at her...
Acronym Domain Names Are a Bad Idea
Before you blow most of your start-up capital (or life’s savings) on a great 3 or 4 letter .com domain,...
Top 5 Tips for Making the Most of MySpace Marketing
Chicago morning radio host DreX (ClearChannel’s Kiss 103.5 FM) said this morning that he’s not using his MySpace page/email anymore...
PubCon Vegas Hotels
Since I’m constantly late about booking hotel rooms for conferences, I have compiled a list of links (to my own...
Advantages of geographically specific domain names
I hear this from local small business owners frequently -- they get a brilliant idea for a domain name, go...