Today (Thursday, July 26th, 2007) on SEO 101, we (Dave “Neo” Brown, Brian Mark and yours truly) talked about a few different things you should be doing online to promote your online business/website and how to use offline marketing to build credibility and brand awareness.
Download the 61st episode/2nd live broadcast of SEO 101
Concepts Covered During the Show
Word of Mouth: Make sure you talk about your site to everyone and everywhere and all the time (but when it’s appropriate, of course… funerals… weddings… probably not such a great idea, but use your judgement.) Add your URL to ALL of your print collateral — business cards, brochures, tear tag flyers, mailers. Also add it to you and your stuff and wear it proudly! Make signs for your car, put stickers on your car, get your logo and URL embroidered on your laptop bag, tattoo it on your head… you get the picture) Remember to be the brand!
Networking: Join groups and organizations where people who are likely to use your site are members. Join groups and organizations where people who can influence other people who are likely to use your site are members. Offer to speak for business groups… in your town and out of town. Contact Chambers of Commerce, Women Business Owners groups, etc. Be active, helpful and be visible!
Build Relationships: Now that you’re out and about and networking, take a look at the people you’re building relationships with. I bet at one of the Chamber of Commerce meetings you met a station manager for the local radio station… see if the station needs anything and offer to trade your services/products for advertising time. Radio stations, local cable stations, etc. do that stuff all the time. See if you know anyone who has a business that would make sense to do a cross promotion with, or see if you can put a sign near the cash register in some of their stores, etc. Now that you have relationships, explore the possibilities — but make sure you’re giving and not just taking.
Press Releases: Press releases are great for name recognition, brand awareness, and positioning you or your company as experts in your field. We talk about things to do/not do when writing a press release and discuss various means of distribution.
Cshel’s Recommended Reading
This isn’t exactly homework-homework, but I did mention three books during the show that I strongly encourage everyone to read (of course, I also strongly encourage everyone to buy the books via the links here so I get the affiliate commission, but I probably didn’t need to tell any of you that). Also, I’m not saying there’s going to be a pop quiz later… but I’m not saying there isn’t either.
Marketing Warfare: 20th Anniversary Edition by Al Ries and Jack Trout. (Seriously, read this book. It’s on my bookshelf at home and I can’t count how many times I’ve reread it just to reinforce the concepts.)
Guerrilla PR Wired : Waging a Successful Publicity Campaign Online, Offline, and Everywhere In Between by Michael Levine. (I have a ton of the Guerrilla books, and I love them all. I periodically have to buy new ones because I tend to loan them out to friends and people I meet through various networking groups and just never get them back.)
Full Frontal PR: Building Buzz About Your Business, Your Product, or You by Richard Laermer. (This is a great resource for familiarizing yourself with the process of pitching stories and ideas to the media. It covers print and electronic, and is full of information.)
Fantastic Stuff. Just what I was looking for. Thank you Carolyn, you do nice work!