First off, you’re probably wondering what happened to Days 1-3, right? Well, it’s been a busy week, so you’ll have to cope 🙂 On the upside, I have been taking copious quantities of pictures which I shall be uploading to Flickr (set name is SES NY 07) as time permits later today. Right now, I’ve just finished covering the SEM for Non-Profits and Charities session for SE Roundtable and I’ve emailed it over to the proper people for posting. Next, I need to run back over to the Sheraton and pack and check-out, and then check my bags with the bell stand (because my flight home doesn’t leave until almost 7p), and then come back and catch the last two sessions.
It’s been a SUPER busy week, and I will have much more to post later this weekend, once I’m back home and settled back in.