Category Archives: Conferences

Copywriting and ContentPubCon
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Content Marketing & SEO: Inextricably Linked

Content Marketing… what does it have to do with SEO? At PubCon Vegas 2014 (last week), I gave a talk on the relationship between SEO and content marketing and examined how the Tribune Content Agency uses SEO to influence and inform the overall content strategy on behalf of its clients. The content strategy encompasses the topic […]...
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IM Spring Break: Sun, Fun and Internet Marketing

On the show, we regularly discuss the value of attending search conferences in terms of education and networking opportunities, and we strongly encourage SEO beginners to attend at least one. Unfortunately, these conferences are usually pretty expensive to attend. Between airfare, hotel, food (and bar), cabs to and fro, etc. it gets spendy fast. Thankfully, […]...
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T-17 days from SES San Jose. Order your business cards NOW.

We’re less than 3 weeks out from SES San Jose, Aug. 18-22. If you’re running low on business cards, or you need new ones printed with updated contact info/title/etc, get on that PRONTO! I know I go through business cards like water goes through a sieve at conferences, so make sure you’re well stocked and […]...