Category Archives: Podcast

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Ecom Phenom: Social Media and eCommerce

Brian Mark and Robert Garcia, hosts of Ecom Phenom on BlogTalkRadio, had me on as a guest this past Sunday to discuss the role of social media in e-commerce — specifically Twitter and how it can (and should) be used by retailers to monitor buzz, build brand and relationships, and most of all, increase conversions […]...
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SEO 101: Domains – Picking them, getting them, keeping them

Ouch. Brian’s office had a cable cut or something, we’d occasionally lose Neo, and for once I was the one NOT having connection issues, but the sudden silence made me paranoid… it was a rough episode. Technical difficulties aside, there is some good information about choosing, registering and hanging onto domain names which verily I […]...
PodcastSEO 101SEO/SEM
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SEO 101 Needs Your Feedback

We’ve had some internal debates (friendly, of course!) about which topics would be of the most interest to the SEO 101 listeners. Because our arguments were largely based on anecdotal evidence, we decided that it would be best to solicit feedback directly from the listening audience. So… if you all would be so kind as […]...

Work, Conference and Podcast Schedule

First off, I’d like to apologize for not keeping up with the blogging lately. I’m hip deep in rebuilding a very large website at the moment, and there have been some issues that have cropped up with the programming that might get in the way of the August 29th (failure-is-not-an-option) deadline. So I’ve been traveling […]...
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SEO 101: How Offline Marketing Affects Your Online Efforts

Today (Thursday, July 26th, 2007) on SEO 101, we (Dave “Neo” Brown, Brian Mark and yours truly) talked about a few different things you should be doing online to promote your online business/website and how to use offline marketing to build credibility and brand awareness. Download the 61st episode/2nd live broadcast of SEO 101 Concepts […]...