Category Archives: SMX

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SMX Wrap-Up on Beginning SEO Podcast

While it’s a little late, the Beginning SEO Podcast did not want to be left out of the spate of “SMX Wrap-Ups” so… here it is. Since Brian and NeO didn’t go, it’s pretty much them asking me questions about the conference and of course I blather on and on about it because… well… I […]...
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Long overdue post: SMX wrap-up

I’ve sat down to write this post at least a dozen times, and I’ve either been too tired to write coherently, or been busy and otherwise preoccupied. So, I apologize for the completely untimely nature of this SMX summary. Here’s the quick play-by-play of the trip… I left for Seattle early in the morning (at […]...
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Cshel’s SMX travel schedule

As I’m starting to do laundry and plan out my “what to pack” list (so I have everything I need, yet also don’t have to schlep enough crap to last me an ice age), I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share my itinerary so anyone who wants to catch up with me while I’m in […]...