Category Archives: Social Networking

Social Networking

MySpace Tom mistaken for Internet Pervert

I was talking with a friend yesterday who was freaking out about his step-daughter’s new MySpace account. Apparently, the daughter had only had the account open for the afternoon and already there was “some 31 year old man” trying to pick her up. Me: How do you know there’s a 31 year old man trying […]...
PodcastSocial Networking

First official appearance on Rush Hour

Today was my first “official, official” appearance on Rush Hour (Wednesdays at 4 Eastern, 1 Pacific on I was fashionably late and missed the intro and I was all kinds of nervous, but I think for the most part things went well. I’m looking forward to getting more into the swing of things and […]...
Social Networking

Cshel on Webmaster Radio’s Rush Hour

Yesterday afternoon, I chatted with Neil Patel and Cameron Olthius on their WMR show “Rush Hour” about how to leverage social media marketing to get traffic for my city guide, Lafayette Online. It was an interesting conversation because I don’t think, in general, there would be tons of interest in the goings on in Greater […]...
Social Networking

Not exactly twitterpated with Twitter

I started futzing with Twitter yesterday. It’s interesting, but it’s not causing me angst if I can’t get back to my machine to update what I’m doing. So far it’s been a vehicle for me to whine about being sick, complain about having to go to meetings, complain about being in meetings, and make silly […]...
MiscellanySocial Networking

Blog Tagged!

Brent Csutoras of blog-tagged me, so here goes my obligatory five things people might not know about me and then my five tags. 1) I took the SATs the summer before I started 7th grade. Yes, it was the real SAT and no, they didn’t modify the grading scale. There was a program that found […]...