Category Archives: Conferences

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SMX Wrap-Up on Beginning SEO Podcast

While it’s a little late, the Beginning SEO Podcast did not want to be left out of the spate of “SMX Wrap-Ups” so… here it is. Since Brian and NeO didn’t go, it’s pretty much them asking me questions about the conference and of course I blather on and on about it because… well… I […]...

SES Latino 2007 Wrap-Up

Sessions and General Overview… While I enjoy the huge conferences like SES NY, I have to admit that I really dig these smaller events. SES Latino had a few hundred attendees and a small expo area that was literally in the middle of the two session rooms. Everything was close by and there wasn’t any […]...

Miami: Getting there was not half the fun

I’ve been debating whether to do this in a chronological format or just give a summary. The chronology is actually pretty entertaining (in hindsight anyway, I was pretty annoyed at the time), but nothing that was annoying had anything to do with the actual conference, which was great. So in the interest of sharing both, […]...
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Just back from SMX, now off to SES Latino

I swear I feel like I’m never at home anymore. I’m not even all caught up on the pile of laundry from SMX and now I’m packing for SES Latino in Miami. Blah. I think I need to look into getting a maid. I still haven’t been able to locate a new USB cable that […]...
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Cshel’s SMX travel schedule

As I’m starting to do laundry and plan out my “what to pack” list (so I have everything I need, yet also don’t have to schlep enough crap to last me an ice age), I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share my itinerary so anyone who wants to catch up with me while I’m in […]...