Category Archives: SEO 101

SEO 101
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SEO 101: Common Newbie Mistakes

I forget where Neo (David Brown) was for this episode, I think he was still stuck helping his friend get a boat into drydock. This episode is just Brian Mark and I discussing the common mistakes made by those new to search engine optimization. Download SEO 101: Common SEO Newbie Mistakes. Originally aired Webmaster Radio […]...
SEO 101
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SEO 101: How to Treat Your Clients

David (NeO) is absent for this episode, so it’s just Brian Mark and me discussing a topic near and dear to my heart… how to treat your clients (or how to not treat your clients). I tried to work myself into a frothy rant, but I was podcasting from an Omaha Barnes and Noble that […]...
DomainsSEO 101
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SEO 101: Domains – Picking them, getting them, keeping them

Ouch. Brian’s office had a cable cut or something, we’d occasionally lose Neo, and for once I was the one NOT having connection issues, but the sudden silence made me paranoid… it was a rough episode. Technical difficulties aside, there is some good information about choosing, registering and hanging onto domain names which verily I […]...
SEO 101
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SEO 101: Why search conferences are worth the time and money

If you’re someone who is responsible for marketing a business website, but doesn’t actually work for an agency, or works for a business that is primarily brick-and-mortar and might be a late comer to the “internets”, you’re probably going to have to justify the time away and cost of your conference attendance to your boss(es). […]...