Category Archives: SEO/SEM

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Firefox plugins I can’t live without

My new position has a thoroughly entertaining “new software” requisition process that I have to go through to get stuff installed on my laptop (because marketing types don’t get to have admin privs on their own machines). The process is three different forms, six weeks of wait time, and countless iterations of revised justifications. I […]...
Copywriting and ContentSEO/SEM

I rank #1 on Google for Lafayette IN Prostitution (Yay?)

My other site runs community news, so I receive press releases from businesses, city hall, civic groups, etc. on a regular basis. Last Friday, I received a news release from the county sheriff’s department about three women who were arrested at a local hotel for prostitution. This was pretty scandalous AND there were mugshots, so […]...
Copywriting and ContentSEO/SEM

WeirdAsiaNews finally gets a Page Rank

Congratulations to my friend, Brent Csutoras of, on his newly minted PR6 and subsequent schload of 5s and 4s. If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading his site, you should really go check it out. It’s actual news from Asian newspapers and news outlets translated in English so we non-speakers-of-anything-other-than-English can enjoy the […]...

Press Release Magic

Witness the power of my pen keyboard. If you ever wondered how much exposure you can generate for your business or web site by issuing a press release, here are some stats from a recent piece I wrote about ethical search engine optimization for SEOFox. I got the request last Thursday (January 4th), at like 9ish in […]...
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Selling Domains Via AdWords

There is an interesting thread over at right now where a bunch of guys have been having good luck selling domains through an AdWords campaign. The theory is that you’ll reach more potential buyers by targeting the keywords that comprise the domain name (with and without extension) and you won’t spend a fortune because […]...