Category Archives: Commentary

In-House SEO

Sharing Your SEO Knowledge is Good

There is a school of thought that the in-house SEO should be like the Wizard of Oz… feared and awed and hiding behind a green velvet curtain where no one is exactly sure what it is he does, but clearly it must be important. I think that, while this might do happy things for one’s […]...
In-House SEO

In/Outbound Link Management for the In-House Crowd

I am pretty much the entire extent of the newly created web services department for an old (~80 years old) , privately held manufacturing company. As I’m hip deep in a complete overhaul of our primary site, I haven’t had the luxury of digging into the seo issues very much, but one of the things […]...
Copywriting and ContentLegalRSS

Does RSS equal implicit permission to reprint?

There’s a fun debate happening right this very second on chat where people are arguing over whether or not the existence of an RSS feed is the same as implicitly granting permission to anyone and everyone to republish your work. Personally, I’m on the fence on the morality of the issue. It’s wrong and […]...
Blank Image

Changing the WHOIS Service isn’t necessary

The Generic Names Supporting Organization’s final Whois Task Force report (something like 2 years in the making) recommends that ICANN restrict the amount of contact information publicly available via the whois service, and completely do away with technical and administrative contacts in favor of an “Operational Point of Contact”, or OPoC, in an effort to […]...
Blank Image

We have a visitor

A visitor from ( was logged once, starting at 12:30:02 AM on Monday, January 8, 2007. The initial browser was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0). This visitor first arrived without a referring URL, and visited In keeping with the Star Wars theme, I was going to say something about the “empire […]...