Category Archives: Commentary

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T-17 days from SES San Jose. Order your business cards NOW.

We’re less than 3 weeks out from SES San Jose, Aug. 18-22. If you’re running low on business cards, or you need new ones printed with updated contact info/title/etc, get on that PRONTO! I know I go through business cards like water goes through a sieve at conferences, so make sure you’re well stocked and […]...
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Have You Ordered Your Holiday Cards?

Even if you’re not a greeting card type of person (or you usually count on your spousal unit to handle the task), mailing holiday cards to your business associates, clients, former clients, and anyone who’s business card you may have picked up at a conference or other networking event is a great way to keep […]...
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SEO 101: How Offline Marketing Affects Your Online Efforts

Today (Thursday, July 26th, 2007) on SEO 101, we (Dave “Neo” Brown, Brian Mark and yours truly) talked about a few different things you should be doing online to promote your online business/website and how to use offline marketing to build credibility and brand awareness. Download the 61st episode/2nd live broadcast of SEO 101 Concepts […]...
Copywriting and ContentPodcastRSSWeb Development

Using RSS to create dynamic content for SEO

The Beginning SEO Podcast with Brian Mark and David Brown (that was just posted today) talks about using RSS and XML to incorporate news, headlines and blog headlines into your websites to keep the content fresh, the visitors returning and the bots indexing on a regular basis. The podcast is about 30ish minutes long, and […]...