All posts by Carolyn

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SEO 101: Domains – Picking them, getting them, keeping them

Ouch. Brian’s office had a cable cut or something, we’d occasionally lose Neo, and for once I was the one NOT having connection issues, but the sudden silence made me paranoid… it was a rough episode. Technical difficulties aside, there is some good information about choosing, registering and hanging onto domain names which verily I […]...
SEO 101
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SEO 101: Why search conferences are worth the time and money

If you’re someone who is responsible for marketing a business website, but doesn’t actually work for an agency, or works for a business that is primarily brick-and-mortar and might be a late comer to the “internets”, you’re probably going to have to justify the time away and cost of your conference attendance to your boss(es). […]...
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Have You Ordered Your Holiday Cards?

Even if you’re not a greeting card type of person (or you usually count on your spousal unit to handle the task), mailing holiday cards to your business associates, clients, former clients, and anyone who’s business card you may have picked up at a conference or other networking event is a great way to keep […]...

PageRank Update, TechCocktail 6, Omaha

I apologize (yet again) for my extended absence from blogging. I’ve been in Omaha for the past two weeks to make the final push to finish an enormously large project and I’ve also been beside myself with grief over my PR losses from the most recent toolbar update. Nothing a lot of little Ketel One […]...